As a big Fan of Star Wars universe and movies, i wanted to create my own version of a star wars poster for a long time.
All the characters and creatures, planets, vehicles are so inspiring for many people. A massive artistic and creative job was done by all the Artists, animators, designers around these movies.
This graphic tribute project is composed of 2 posters that will illustrate
the "Jedi" side ( Light side) and the Sith side (Dark side).
I made these 2 posters to highlight two of the main new characters of the movie "Fin" and "Kylo Ren" and confront them with their pose , colors and design of the posters. I wanted to create some graphic backgrounds instead of landscapes and my goal was to adapt each graphic background pattern to the character .
I hope you will like these posters. I've posted some details and images to show the process and creation. Thanks for watching.

Each Graphic pattern is designed to represent the side of the Force ( Light and Dark ) Using curved lines and natural elements for the Rebel Alliance pattern and Almost strictly straight lines and agressive shapes for the Galactic empire pattern. Each poster features 3 vector spaceships and 1 helmet from their camp.

I've entered in an alternative poster Contest organised by the Website and community "PosterSpy" in association with "Curzon Cinema" / "Disney" / "Lucasfilm" / "Wacom" and "BluePrint London" for the release of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Movie.
I had the chance to be shortlisted with 9 others talented Artists . My Finn Poster and the 9 selected posters will be Exhibited for 2 weeks in "Curzon Mayfair London cinema" ( If you're in the Area don't hesitate to go and take a look :) ).
You can discover the 10 selected posters on this link :

- US people: If you would like to purchase this Artwork as a "Fine Art poster " or "Framed" print you can order it on this website : https://www.crated.com/Ladislas ( as i live in France shipping cost will be cheaper by ordering directly on this website for a US delivery).
- EUROPE and Non US people: Feel free to post a comment or send me a message if interested in purchasing this poster. I'll be happy to seek for the best solution to deliver a poster in your country. Thanks.