I've included a Gif file to show various steps of the process to create the Artwork. I always start with a loose sketch to get some basic proportions. Then i refine the sketch by creating a more detailed version on top of the previous sketch. Then i start painting. Blocking shapes and establish colors i want to include in the Artwork. The painting phase is the big part of the job, i refine and correct mistakes i've done in the sketch phase and try to get the likeness of the person i'm painting. You can see in the process below that i'm correcting and adjusting the Artwork at different moments until i'm happy of it. I'm using various brushes that i found on the web, i'm also mixing different colors, the illustration has to be inspired by some posters i've created in the past ( "The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty" and "Her"). I also wanted to add some kind of "atmosphere" and "mood" to it so it's not simply a copy of the photo, i try to capture and include a kind of "spirit" of the person i'm painting. For Emiliana i wanted to include some kind of "happiness" and "joy" into the Artwork.